For the lovers of two wheels in particular modification, Kahanan Motor, which is
new modification shop located in Jagakarsa area, south Jakarta
seems worthy of a new heaven.
Because armed galvanized plate, the workshop is to be a satellite workshop of the famous house Tauco Custom modifications are ready to quench the thirst of the lovers modification Indonesia.
"I woke up this workshop as an answer to the increasing number of lovers of modifications that are not accommodated in the workshop modif currently exist," said founders Motor Topo Kahanan to Goedel Atmodjo detikOto.
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"The flow can be worked out, it depends on demand," Topo said.
As for the tariff issue, Topo explained that the cost of any modifications
motor can be adjusted because it was closely related to the selected parts and
used the owner as well as what form of modification.
"All are interconnected," he said.
Topo was hoping with the presence of this new modif workshop spirit and modifications can spread the virus further. Because he believes that passion modif
It is not only dominated by young children alone but has spread to
various backgrounds and various levels of age.
"With the spirit Kahanan lovers may be more modifications
distributed, "he concluded.